The traffic between storytelling and metaphysics is continuous.

— John Berger

Let Language Never Eclipse Emotion | Henri Cole on Louise Glück

For her, a poem is like a message in a shell held to an ear, confidentially communicating some universal experience: adolescent struggles, marital love, widowhood, separation, the stasis of middle age, aging, and death. There is a porous barrier between the states of life and death between body and soul. Her signature style, which includes demotic language and a hypnotic pace of utterance, has captured the attention of generations of poets, as it did mine as a nascent poet of twenty-two. In her oeuvre, the poem of language never eclipses the poem of emotion.

— Henri Cole on Louise Glück from The Paris Review, Winter 2023

Be Industrious

Commas, Perpetual State of War | Robert Gottlieb & Toni Morrison